Home Economy WASAC, EDCL Directors before Prosecution of Illegal Tendering

WASAC, EDCL Directors before Prosecution of Illegal Tendering


Former Water and Sanitation Corporation Chief Executive Officer, James Sano and Emmanuel Kamanzi, the former Managing Director of Energy Development Corporation Ltd (EDCL) illegal-tendering case file handed to the national public prosecution authority as the two expect trial.

Both officials are alleged of illegally awarding public tenders.

Police spokesperson, ACP Theos Badege said that Sano,Kamanzi and two other people wanted to fleece the government of funds and good services through irregular award of tenders.

Sano is alleged of awarding a single-source public tender worth Rwf61 million to Cerrium Advisory Ltd to recruit and orient new WASAC employees. He also illegally awarded construction of a water treatment center worth Rwf371million at Kayenzi in Kamonyi District, without terms of reference and a bill of quantity.

Kamanzi, allegedly awarded public tenders illegally and misused government property.

He illegally awarded a $45,000 tender for buying ten transformers and 400 electric poles worth $280 million.

Auditor General’s report of May 2017 indicated that WASAC had stock of material worth Rwf1.3 billion which had not been completely used and had accrued non-revenue water losses mounting Rwf8.6 billion.

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